Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix for Hair Thinning

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What is platelet rich fibrin matrix (PRFM)?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a new therapy for the treatment of androgenic alopecia (male pattern or female pattern hair thinning). PRP has been used for several years in orthopedics for connective tissue regeneration within joints. Platelets, which are a component of blood, contain various growth factors that enhance the body’s ability to repair and regenerate. Within the last several years, PRP has been used in dermatology for the treatment of androgenic alopecia (AGA). The system used by Modern Dermatology includes an extra step in which the clotting cascade is activated, stabilizing the platelets allowing for a sustained release of important growth factors over the several days following injection. This is referred to as platelet rich fibrin matrix (PRFM) and is favorable to PRP as the hair follicles have longer exposure to the growth factors to improve results.

This treatment is not FDA approved specifically for hair loss or thinning, though many dermatologists are using this technique as a form of non-surgical hair restoration. In recent studies using PRP or PRFM for androgenic alopecia, about 70-80% of participants respond with a 20-30% increase in hair density. Three treatments are advised at monthly intervals to initiate the growth, with subsequent maintenance treatments once or twice per year. Results start to become obvious 4-6 months after the first procedure. It should be used as an adjuvant therapy with topical minoxidil and other oral therapies as deemed appropriate by your physician (I.e. finasteride and/or Viviscal Pro).

Am I a candidate for PRFM?

PRRM is appropriate for both men and women with thinning hair. It also has been shown to help thicken aging skin and speed healing after aggressive lasering.

What is the treatment like?

Blood is taken from your arm in the same way as a routine blood draw. The blood is then spun down to separate the components of the blood. The plasma, which contains the platelets, is separated, activated and injected into the scalp with multiple injection sites over the thinning areas

Is it a cure for hair loss?

Unfortunately, there is no “cure” for androgenic alopecia and it is expected to progress with time. Treatment can increase hair density and hair thickness. Results are typically noted within the first 4-6 months. Best results are maintained with subsequent treatments 1-2 times per year after the first three treatments.

Is it safe?

Yes, PRP is safe as it is using your own blood components.

Risks and side-effects of platelet rich plasma:

  • Bleeding – can occur after blood draw or after scalp injections. As no actual incisions (cuts) are made, the bleeding can be controlled with pressure. You should avoid aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (Aleve, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Advil) ten days prior to the procedure. These medications impair platelet function and promote bleeding.
  • Infection – you should not have the PRFM procedure performed if you have an active infection in the area of hair loss or in the areas where the blood draw will be done. Rarely, a bacterial or viral infection can occur at the sites of PRFM injection. If this occurs, your provider may prescribe medications to treat the infection.
  • Damage to deeper structures – any injection can cause damage to nerves, blood vessels, or muscles. However, this would be exceedingly rare with PRFM given the relatively superficial nature of the injections.
  • Allergic reaction – if lidocaine is used for numbing, allergic reactions can occur to the lidocaine or the preservative. PRFM itself is autologous, and so allergy is not a concern.
  • Shock hair loss – a very rare side effect of PRFM injections is temporary loss of hair at the injection sites. The hair usually regrows over 3-5 months.
  • Insufficient response- we cannot guarantee that you will have hair regrowth from PRFM. Most patients are happy and there is very little risk. However, for unknown reasons some will have a sub-optimal result. Lifestyle, health, genetics and normal aging can all play a role.  Other options can still be pursued.

Is it covered by insurance?

No, PRFM is considered an elective treatment and will not be covered by insurance.

Cancellation Policy
Modern Dermatology requires a credit card for scheduling of all aesthetic appointments (except Botox/Dysport/Jeuveau). We will remind you of your appointment 1 week prior in case you need to cancel or reschedule. Appointments broken without 48 business hours of notice will be charged a $250.00 cancellation fee for the time we reserved for you.