Icon 1064 nm Laser

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The 1064 nm laser uses light energy to target pigment (brown spots, brown/black hair) and vascular (blood vessel) lesions. It can dramatically improve the appearance of cherry angiomas, broken capillaries, sun spots and spider veins. Although it can be used for laser hair reduction, we do not use it for this purpose in our clinic. Each treatment plan is individualized and multiple treatments may be recommended. Treatment time depends on the form, size and location of the lesions as well as the skin type. Small red vessels can usually be removed in only 1 to 3 sessions. Several sessions may be necessary to remove bigger veins and spider veins.

What does the treatment feel like?

Pain is generally minimal and subsides after a short duration. Patients often say that the lasers feel like hot rubber bands snapping against the skin.


What is my preparation for the treatment?

An in-office consultation with one of our physicians prior to scheduling the procedure is required. Patients with a history of cold sores may be given a prescription for an oral antiviral to prevent an outbreak. If you have a history of herpes/cold sores, we will want to start you on a treatment of 500mg twice daily of Valtrex starting the day before your procedure.  Please call the office so we can prescribe the appropriate prescription if you need it.

What should I expect after my treatment?

Redness and skin tenderness may persist anywhere from a few minutes to several days. Mild skin burns and blisters may occur, but are rare and unlikely. This laser coagulates blood so crusting or scabbing may occur and should be treated like a wound with ointment and a band-aid.


Are there any risks or possible side effects?

Discomfort is generally minimal and subsides after a short duration. Swelling is usually minimal and subsides in a few hours to a few days. Redness and skin tenderness may persist anywhere from a

few minutes to several days. Mild skin burns and blisters may occur, but are rare and unlikely. Herpes simplex virus (cold sore) eruption may occur in a treated area that has previously been infected with the virus. While extremely rare, scarring and discoloration can occur.

Are there any contraindications?

The 1064 nm laser is contraindicated for people who have a predisposition to keloid formation or excessive scarring. It is also contraindicated for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, for people who have takenAccutane in the past 1 month, and those with active cold sores.  Areas with tattoos and open sores should not be treated and you should not be tanned before your appointment. This laser is also contraindicated for individuals with vitiligo.


Cancellation Policy
Modern Dermatology requires a credit card for scheduling of all aesthetic appointments (except Botox/Dysport/Jeuveau). We will remind you of your appointment 1 week prior in case you need to cancel or reschedule. Appointments broken without 48 business hours of notice will be charged a $250.00 cancellation fee for the time we reserved for you.